Today, was the last day of MPO term 1(We came to know about it after Professor told us that we are not having any classes on Monday as he will be busy with the AACSB people). We discussed today about the cognitive biases that people have where it comes difficult to convince people of the different views prevalent now and which are different from what they have already framed in their minds. Today’s session was a summary of the previous session where we had discussed about the ladder of inference and how people’s thought processes can be manipulated, an example of the same was given about how high priced commodities are sold by pricing some even higher than them , so that people go for them instead. And finally, with the discussion around the level of motivation in people and how they shape their minds according to their cognitive biases, we ended term one MPO course.

The best usage of our sessions was in developing my learning team using the frameworks provided by our Professor and in implementing the concepts for better understanding of my teammates and helping out each other towards a more productive step in our team activities, which form the core of our working culture at AIM.

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